AM Travel World - Guided Tours to India, China, Asia, South America
India Book Cover

Tuk-Tuks and Samosas by Anita Mandl

My story, my journey through India and the Himalayas.

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I am extremely proud to have successfully owned and operated my own travel company AM Travel World over the past eight years, but with the Covid pandemic and all travel being banned for most of the past fifteen months, I have literally had no business and zero income. I could have been idle, doing nothing and feeling sorry for myself. But that is not me, so I decided to focus on writing my first book, which includes my story, my journey through India and the Himalayas. The book spans almost a hundred years with the story of my Indian Grandfather arriving in London in 1925 to study; the turbulent partition of India in 1947 and my Dad leaving his homeland for his safety, on a boat to Bombay at the age of seven and later his arrival in England at the age of sixteen to study. My own trips to India at the age on ten, eighteen and twenty-three are featured as is a tour of India with me as the tour guide and twenty unsuspecting guests and the highs and lows of unpredictable travel. We go on to the Himalayas and Everest Base Camp and finally to South of India. Through the book I am searching for the perfect samosa.

Why buy my book, “Tuk Tuks and Samosas”?

It costs less than two large glasses of wine but is something you can keep forever.

Read it to help out. If you buy the book and recommend it, it will help me so much.

It is and entertaining story, beautifully illustrated, so you will enjoy reading even if you have no desire to go to India.